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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/08/23 in all areas

  1. I suspect EJ himself is the only one who could hear the difference... Man has the ears of a dog.
    1 point
  2. Yes I agree & during practice sessions the progress even during these 3 weeks has seemed so slow that on the daily it seems unnoticeable... occasionally I'll recognise that something I'm doing suddenly seems a tad easier or quicker than the days previous but it's not until I look back at my day 1 or week 1 video that I truly see the progress even in just this short space of time. Also agree regarding investing just a little time to take reference points & hear other perspectives from things that may not be included within your own specific practice/lessons... I find that particularly true for things I may be struggling with. Quick example would be my struggle with D to E chord changes... reading & watching other people's advice on making the switch (whether from a teacher, experienced guitarist or even another learner) can definitely help with overcoming those kind of hurdles & as you say - producing a lightbulb moment or grasping a concept!
    1 point
  3. Thanks Douglas... great advice as always! You're right, I've taken the strap to the shortest length it'll go & it sits a lot better now while sitting down. Starting to sound out the strings in a different order is a great idea to start getting used to picking out strings... especially with these 3 chords now that I'm a little more confident with my finger placements.. think I'll first add an easy highest to lowest order to the mix & then after a little while will add slightly more complicated orders to the mix... great tip!! Good point regarding the steam piston strumming as well That was the first thing I noticed when watching that video back. Didn't feel so aggressive at the time but guess that must be natural brute strength that I agree should be toned down a bit
    1 point
  4. Despite being associated with LPs and SGs at the time, Pete Townshend used a hollowbody Gretsch on Who’s Next. Eric Johnson, using a Strat pretty much exclusively in his career (although he’s also been using an SG recently) actually recorded Cliffs of Dover, probably his most iconic tune, on a 335. Still sounds like EJ.
    1 point
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