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Total Plectrums

  1. The logo looks wrong for that particular model, more of a combination of the usual logos. Also, ‘inspected and set up in the US’ for for a lowly model seems very unlikely.
  2. I agree with this statement. Plus, there are a whole host of differently voiced humbucker replacements out there, maybe more than single coil options.
  3. It over emphasises the shape IMO. It's perfectly reasonable shape, as seen in the OP, before the logo is added, afterwards... not so much.
  4. Tyler, if I’m thinking of the same one as you. @Car1
  5. There is precedent for removing the bridge pickup and associated electronics, both Pat Metheny and Tuck Andress did/do this. Try it and, if it's still not right, put it back as was and move it on for something that you get along with.
  6. GAS is a cruel mistress, but she's a lot of fun
  7. That looks like quite a slim body, should certainly help with the usual LP style guitar weight.
  8. You really can’t go wrong for that money. Pics as soon as please.
  9. You could lay down a groove using an octave pedal and looper, but this starts to veer into pre-programming territory.
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