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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/22 in all areas

  1. Good evening, Neil... Would you mind giving a bit more detail as to what you're wanting to achieve..? What style..? Any favourite influences you'd like to work towards..? Any songs or pieces that you are already either good at or struggling with..? There's a lot of general advice, suitable for any and all occasions, but a bit more info would help to put you on the rails. Meanwhile, here's a few general tips that will always serve you in good stead... A little-and-often approach is much better than irregular long sessions. Make a conscious decision to do, every day, at least 10-15 minutes, without fail. This is better than 2 hours at week-ends, for instance. It matters less what you do in that time as the regularity of doing stuff, every day. It's a simple discipline, but works wonders. Learning the guitar, like many other things, goes in leaps and bounds. One may easily get the impression that not much is sinking in, then suddenly, there's a modest 'quantum leap'. This levels off to another plateau, until 'Bingo..!'; there's another..! The trick is to stubbonly keep ploughing on, in the firm and certain knowledge that it's improving, whether you think so or not. Be patient, and persist; the rewards are there. A quick'n'easy test..? Turn the guitar over and try to play it left-handed (or right-handed, if you're a 'lefty'...). This is roughly the ability you had before picking up the guitar at all. Turn it back to normal, and recognise that progress has, indeed, been made. Be convinced that everyone here, and every one of your favourite players, started out the same way; no-one was born with the 'gift'. It only comes through keeping on keeping on, that's all. Tell us more, then, and you'll be guided onto a firm path for you to tread, at whatever pace you wish. We all know it's not easy, but we also know that it's worth it. Over to you, then..? Douglas
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