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Everything posted by Bunny

  1. Thank you. I think my expectations were a little unrealistic, it just feels like the people I watch on fb pages and YouTube are progressing so much faster than me and that's knocked my confidence a lot. Tempted to find someone I can pay to stand behind me and hit me around the back of the head whenever I start losing concentration and motivation!
  2. I definitely think practicing in smaller chunks is a good idea. I tend to do an hour a day and then feel bored and frustrated when I still sounds crap and all I've done is end up with sore fingers. This is really helpful, I'm focused a lot on being able to play a song that I'm not really working at getting clean sounding chords so practice will never make perfect if I'm practicing so poorly. I need to slow down to baby steps. Thank you for the help
  3. Hello, thanks for responding 1: I do have a tutor, 1 hour a week but I'm also using YouTube. 2: Age 37, my memory isn't great but I don't think I'm quite at the point of age related memory loss. At least I hope I'm not. 3: Not sure how fast I thought it would be. I'm not the quickest learner with anything but I was hoping to remember more than a few basic chords by now. Playing like Hendrix by the end of the year might be asking too much, but I was hoping to have learnt a few songs that I can play clearly and in time and without needing to keep stopping to look at tab. I'm forgetting all chords after the major and minor ones (I'm ignoring barre chords for the time being) misplacing finger placement, hitting strings that should be missed and if I can badly strum my way through a song on one day, the next I haven't a clue and I'm back to relearning it.
  4. Hello all, I'm pretty new to learning the guitar, about 6 months in, but I did have a previous attempt a few years back which stopped because my progress was so very very slow that I became disheartened and I lost all motivation to continue. Slightly worried the same thing is happening again as I’m just not retaining the information. I remember something one day and by the next its gone, which is really frustrating, so I'm here looking for any and all suggestions and advice as to how to make some steps forward
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