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Total Plectrums

  1. Thanks, I have set it up as you advised, it's bang on!
  2. Thanks, I have some decent (free) pedals coming my way, thats why I want to know how to link them to the GT.
  3. Hi What is the best way to link my pedal board to my boss gt 100 without degrading the signal to my Boss (see pics)? Thanks, Paul
  4. Yeah that makes a lot sense. I'm sure cost cutting plays a part in the newer models.
  5. Yeah, that all makes sense. It's definitely a feel thing, even the fact that it's rosewood compared to maple makes a difference to me (i know it also makes a difference to the sound). There is something about certain guitars (look and feel) that somehow connect with your character.
  6. Why does my 30 year old rosewood Mexican strat sound and feel so good compared to newer models? Thanks, Paul
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