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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. thanks for your responses guys!! okay interesting I see so if I'm running a bunch of pedals and wanting to work in stereo, would it not really do that properly then? for example, if I'm using a stereo pedal with two outputs, would I not be able to run them each into the jc120 to effect the stereo sound from that pedal? sorry if these questions aren't very well phrased I'm quite new to this I've always done everything on logic but I'm getting so sick of it working so hard to get a good sound and projects crashing from so many effects I wanna start doing it properly
  2. Can't seem to find an answer to this through google. I'm looking at buying an amp and I'm really interested in the Roland JC-120 mostly because my favourite band uses it and I've heard it's really good for effects pedals. I'm kind of thrown off by the fact that it's stereo though coz surely one stereo amp can't produce nearly the kind of sound that two amps working as stereo could? The two speakers are so close together I can't see how the stereo aspect would really be work very well, apart from for recording - but even then, why not just mic up two amps? Thanks
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