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Sammy J

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Posts posted by Sammy J

  1. I'm trying to practice my soloing. How does one sound like their playing music when improvising? I feel like I'm just playing random notes of a pentatonic scale with the backing track even when I try to play the chord tones. I try to come up with licks on the spot, however they do not sound like music. 

  2. You're right, it does run out! I've been avoiding the metronome for so long, but I do appreciate its importance so I'm going to start using it properly. We all start somewhere so I do need to be more patient. Thanks for the advice!


  3. Any advice on building speed on the guitar when playing licks please? I am struggling to play fast licks. I'm not talking about shredding, I just want to be able to do one of those super cliche bluesy scale runs. I've got the notes, the music theory etc. However I just can't do it fast. Any advice would be helpful please. Thanks.

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