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Status Updates posted by Chudallica

  1. Massive thanks to Taylor at 'TDM Custom Guitars' for the recent set-up, you've done a fantastic job. 🤘😃🤘

  2. Loving my tone right now ! :) 

  3. Today I've been playing around with Amplitube doing a kind of comparison between a digital plugin and the real thing.


    I have to say this is a more neighbour friendly option !!


    Had some fun mucking about with different pedals and cabs, even mic and room positions.


    You can't beat the real thing for that 'I'm a guitarist feeling' but this is good fun to play about with, plus is a lot cheaper !!! 







  4. Hi, I'm Richard (Chud)


    I've been playing the guitar on and off since I was 13, I'm now 49 and forever looking for better sounds and tones.


    My biggest music influence over the years has been Metallica, I first heard Orion back in '87 and I had to know who was playing it and have been a massive fan of them since.


    Rig Rundown:


    Amp - Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier

    Cabinet - Marshall MX212R  2x12" Celestion Seventy 80's

    Guitar - ESP KH-2 (Customised EMG Solderless System running EMG Bone Breaker Pick-ups with a 24v Mod)




    Acoustic Simulator - Boss AC-2

    Amp Modeler - Joyo California

    Chorus - MXR Analog Chorus

    Compressor - MXR Dyna Comp

    Delay - VOX Satriani Time Machine

    Looper - TC Electronic Ditto

    Noise Gate - MXR Noise Clamp

    Tube Screamer - Ibanez TS Mini

    Tuner - Korg Pitch Black


    Pedal order from the effects loop on my amp:

    S - Tuner - Noise Gate - Compressor - Tube Screamer - Amp Modeler - Acoustic Sim - Chorus - Delay - Looper - R




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