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Posts posted by Rocksmithandjones07

  1. Hi. First post and am interested to see/hear/read any reaction to my story so far....

    Firstly, I have learnt what I know and attained whatever level of playing without outside teaching, any theory, nor could I tell you what note I'm playing at anytime.

    Here goes......

    I learnt from scratch using Rocksmith!! My entire ambition when I picked up a guitar was to simply be able to be the guy at a party, gathering, call it what you will who could pick up a guitar and vaguely produce something people would recognise as a song. That's it!


    However, I got the bug and put hours and I stress hours into what amounts to nothing more than a kids PC game, just playing the given notes in time displayed on the screen. This obviously led to the old 'rinse and repeat' cycle and though still having no knowledge of theory over time I have a reasonable 'cover catalogue' (10 -15 songs) I can play from memory.

    I understand this would make many purists sick to the stomach and regard myself as the equivalent of mime artist selling themselves as a lead vocalist.


    Here ends the introduction.....


    FIRE AT WILL!!!....


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